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Thursday, March 22, 2012

WK 3: Applying Textures (contd)

Why i chose the specific texture for each part of the model?

  • This texture was used for some exterior walls of the underground part of the model, Weiwei's Studio. I think that there were some walls for Weiwei's studio which were at such angles and sizes, that mechanical help would have been needed for them to be produced.
Texture 2: BOUND
  • I used this texture in the upper studio, which was for Stelarc. I think this texture can relate to stelarcs very technologically advanced works, which involves many complex elements and parts 'bound' together to form a piece of technology. I relate to Stelarcs artwork 'Evolution' when i say this, as it shows the prosthetic arm containing all these elements. I also used this texture, as the studio and its stairs are 'bound' to the building itself. They would not be functional unless there was that connection from the stairs and studio to the main gallery. I reflect on this through the prosthetic arm in stelarcs artwork, His prosthetic arm being 'bound' to his arm. Without his arm, the prosthetic arm would not be functional.
  • I applied this texture to a wall within stelarcs studio. I believe that the artworks stelarc creates, contain a structural aspect to them. Thinking laterally, most of his artworks contain amazing and quite unique portrayals of the 'natural' human body, and forcing 'structure' into it to create something different.
  • The artwork i had based Weiwei's studio on, was 'Divine proportione' . This artwork can be seen in the images of my sketchup model. The artwork was almost a sphere, made up of hexagons and octagons. There is quite a lot of geometry involved in this, because of the different number of lines and sizes. I believe that this texture reflects on the way weiwei created this artwork, through its geometrical aspects.

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